Coach Hughes: Stopping Showstoppers
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Intelligent Training

Stop Cycling’s Showstoppers

Sharing 35 years of experience to keep you riding.

Most potential showstoppers can be eliminated by:

  1. Testing and refining as many aspects as possible.
  2. Developing the skills to cope with problems on the road.

by Coach John Hughes

John Hughes is the author of Anti-Aging: 12 Ways to You Can Slow the Aging Process and of the book Distance Cycling. He has written 40 articles on training, nutrition, psychology and medical issues for More about Coach Hughes.
© John Hughes, All Rights Reserved

This 65-page eBook shows you how to apply two principles:

  1. Test everything! Try nothing new on an important ride.
  2. It’s not a showstopper unless you decide it’s a showstopper.

The eBook teaches you dialing in nutrition, resolving points-of-contact issues and bike fit, testing rain gear, bike-handling techniques, roadside repair, safe-riding skills and learning how to ride through tough times, all of which are best done in the off- and pre-season. Don't wait until the main season starts and you are busy riding. The book provides dozens of tips in the following areas:

  1. Safety: even a minor accident might end a ride whether you are commuting, riding a century or anything in between.
  2. Mental: how to plan rides to avoid potential showstoppers, and how to ride through bad periods.
  3. Nutrition: what to eat before, during and after rides to prevent being stopped by the loss of physical and mental energy.
  4. Equipment: what to do beforehand to reduce the risk of pesky mechanicals, and how to handle one if it does occur.
  5. Environment: wherever you ride, be it short or long, you’ll often need to deal with heat, cold, wind or rain and you may have to cope with high altitude.
  6. Comfort: how to reduce the risk of aches and pains while riding, and how to handle them if they occur.
  7. Ailments: what to do when you feel sick during a ride.
  8. Training: simple rules of thumb on how to prepare physically so that serious fatigue and overuse injuries aren’t issues.
  9. Techniques: key skills to keep you upright and moving forward.
  10. Injuries: how to decide whether something that hurts needs medical attention, and remedies during a ride.

More Information

Stopping Cycling’s Showstoppers — How to prevent and if necessary deal with anything that would force you to stop a ride. 65 pages for $14.95 from

Other articles by Coach Hughes