Intelligent Cycling Training
Clients on Coach Hughes
Coaching is All About Results
Johns coaching is the best money I ever spent on racing!Rex Farnsworth
Philip Schoenig |

Philip Schoenig, Fast America Ride 2013 |
The first thing I did when I decided to ride Coast to Coast in 33 days was hire Coach Hughes. The comprehensive eight month training plan was well worth the money and included everything from nutrition to off the bike strength and stretching routines. Coach Hughes was always positive and readily assessable with any questions I had. I was without a doubt ready and prepared for the ride and did not have any issues at all. After reviewing the final stats for the 3500+ mile ride I was able to average 17 mph for the entire trip.
Jerry Arnold |

Judy and Jerry Arnold |
I feel extremely fortunate to have had your help and advice as I prepared for the 2013 Race Across the West.
You carefully evaluated my individual needs and designed a plan to specifically correct my weaknesses and build on strengths. From the pre-training assessment and macro plan, the weekly workouts, and nutrition advice to the long training rides, everything was spot-on. The actual race went off without a hitch because we had everything dialed in from the training over the spring. The crew and I cant thank you enough. We couldnt have done it without you.
Patrick Seely |

Pat Seely & Andrew Puddy |
Thank you for taking me on as a client to assist in my preparation for 2012 Two-man Team RAAM.
I particularly appreciated your careful and thorough assessment of my current fitness level before embarking on a program. You laid out nearly a years training macro schedule for me to see and follow clearly. We then proceeded with a clear and well defined weekly training schedule with weekly updates and feedback on my current progress towards the macro plan. I particularly appreciated the regular fitness time trials and race pace interval training to gauge my strength and endurance levels crucial to a successful RAAM finish. I felt quite confident going into RAAM being as well prepared as possible. Thank you John for a job well done.
Now on to our next challenge.....solo RAAM.
Patrick Seely.
Racing in the Male 50-59 division, Seely and Andrew Puddy finished two-man RAAM in 8 days 6 hours 13 minutes, first place among all the two-man teams. |
Ed Garrison |

Ed Garrison |
I appreciate Coach Hughes time and attention coaching me! I value and respect your knowledge very much and consider myself fortunate to have access to such a resource! Many sincere thanks!
Ed Garrison.
Garrison dropped out of the Race Across the West in 2011 and successfully finished in 2012 in 3 days 12 hours 22 minutes. |
Rex Farnsworth |
Not long ago I was ego food for good racers. I raced in the lowest division of the Huntsman World Senior Games, and occasionally managed a podium finish. I loved the competition; however, I hated being severely beaten and longed for gold. In late 2004 I decided to find out if I could really race. To help me I hired John Hughes.
Coaching is all about results. At the Huntsman Games I planned to enter all four Cycling events: hill climb, time trial, criterium, and road race and all three Mountain Biking events: hill climb, down hill, and cross-country. Laying out a plan addressing all of these cycling skills and strengths was not easy. John first laid out a top-level plan with monthly objectives leading to peak performance in early October for the Games. Then he followed it up with daily plans for riding, weight lifting, stretching, core, and recovery. With Johns detailed planning, I always knew the focus for the week and the purpose for each training session. All I had to do was execute the plan, which I did with a vengeance.
In October the results came in. I was the only cyclist in the 18-year history of the Games to win Overall Championships in cycling and mountain biking in the same year. Johns coaching was the magic that made all the differencebest money I ever spent on racing.
Farnsworth turns 70 in 2010 and has hired Coach John again for the Senior Games.
Joel Voelz |

Joel and daughter Joule |
This was one of my fastestif not the fastest200Ks. I have done two of my best 200Ks while training with you. I respond well to the pattern/style of your training, which fits with my physiology and personality. You incorporate a great mix of varying the pace and you break workouts into chunks that are not overly time consuming and allow me to really focus on the goal of that workout be it HR zone, endurance, speed, etc. Each workout makes sense and has a concrete benefit. I am very happy about how my training working with you has been going. I have made tremendous progress starting from a pretty difficult starting point. Im also very pleased that youre advising me on helping my 15-year old daughter prepare for her first centurywere having a lot of fun!
Joel Voelz, PBP Ancien 2003/07.
Voelz couldnt ride on the road all winter due to a physical problem but worked out in the gym with suggestions from Coach John. Starting in May he followed Johns coaching to ramp up to the Santa Cruz 200K August 7, 2010, one of his fastest 200Ks and on a hilly course. |
Julie Gazmararian |

Julie and Coach John |
John was great with working my schedule and competing priorities so I could fit in the training I needed to compete in the Race Across the West, while juggling a demanding career, raising my two boys and having some time with my husband. He helped establish a challenging training plan that fit into my lifestyle and was supportive when I needed to adapt my training plans to meet other commitments. He also has a wealth of knowledge beyond just the physical training that is needed to compete in endurance events, and was helpful with both the mental and nutrition aspects of racing.
Gazmararian is a professor of epidemiology at Emory University, mother of two teenage boys and wife. |
Dan McGehee |
Working with a cycling coach adds an instant level of experience to your program. Although it will take time for the coach to have a solid understanding of your abilities, weaknesses, motivations, etc, it will eliminate the majority of your long-term trial-and-error.
McGehee, an optometrist and father of three, holds the UltraMarathon Cycling Association road record for 100 miles: 3 hours 56 minutes 3 seconds, 25.42 mph. |
Kevin Kaiser |

Kaiser and crew at finish of RAAM |
Kevin Kaiser finished the 2010 Race Across AMerica in 10 days 17 hours 52 minutes
Thank you for your support while we were crewing for Kevin Kaiser on RAAM. Not just for the support you gave Kevin but for the support you gave us the Crew. Your encouragement and calmness made us all feel we were on the right track. Its a great feeling to have someone on your lifeline with all of your experience from years of being a great athlete and coach. It feels like Ive known you for years from reading your articles on what it takes to be an endurance rider. Your writings are like having a comfortable conversation with a friend. Please keep them coming.
Gator Cochran, Crew Chief for Kevin Kaiser, RAAM 2010.
Lynne Vigesaa |
Finishing Paris-Brest-Paris 2003 has been one of the great highlights of my life. Thank you for your wise and expert direction and guidance. You took the time to get to know me and tailor the coaching to meet my individual problems and needs.
Vigesaa finished the PBP 03 after DNFing at the PBP 99 and Gold Rush 01 1200 kms |
Rob Morlock |
Its a great idea to use your services this year. I really feel like I am building a base the right, smart way.
Morlock finished RAAM 2010 in 10 days 23 hours 20 minutes. |
Lee Mitchell |
John coached me for the PAC Masters Team RAAMs in 1995, 2004, and 2009. We had weekly conversations, adjustments to weather, health, and work conditions. He also gave me a diet outline, noted the need for regular rest and included some rest/casual training days. I liked the structured aspect as my prior riding had just been riding lots of miles every chance I could get. But then I had not trained for a real race either.
Must have workedwe set age category records every time (four-man, ages 60+, 70+, 75+) we raced, you betcha! Looking forward to a four-man, 80+ team in a few years. |
Elizabeth Wicks |
I really appreciated the weekly prescription you gave me: the different workouts to do each day. Both your coaching feedback and the workouts helped me meet my goals. Calvins Challenge was a very hard ride, but an amazing one, given the conditions. I have learned a lot about pacing myself. Again, thanks to you, John.
Wicks set the Calvins age 60-64 record of 164 miles in 2005 |